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Bienal Internacional de Arquitectura

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Art Route

Connections. Art and architecture

Exhibitions in San Sebastian galleries

Curator: Fernando Golvano

Organiser: Ancora

A long history of diverse connections and gaps, ranging from reciprocal interaction and mutual influences to controversies, runs through the relationship between the visual arts and architecture. Although different in their roles, they share the creation of plural shapes from human experience and dwelling. From the modern avant-garde of the fist decades of the 20th Century until the glocal condition of our days, those loans and disputes have led to a permanent reflection on their own disciplines and relationships. These connections configure what Hal Foster has called the "art-architecture complex". The celebration of the I International Architecture Biennial in San Sebastian will be a favourable environment to present a review of some of the contemporary challenges affecting architecture and urbanism in different educational, cultural and museum spaces. Furthermore, this event will also foster the presentation of connections with the visual arts. A network of exhibitions in the Altxerri, Kur, Arteko, Ekain, and Vetus Art art galleries will gather artists who dialogue with aspects of these territories between disciplines.

Mediateka transfronteriza

Organiza: Espacio Reflex

La mediateka es un pequeño contenedor móvil que alberga un centenar de títulos impresos específicos al tema fronterizo, así como películas y documentales. El marco de MUGAK es el contexto ideal para hacer circular este proyecto de difusión teórica entre los espacios de las entidades colaboradoras de esta manifestación, cuyo tema se centra en el concepto transfronterizo.


Primera parada:
Ernst Lluch
01-10-2017 / 23-10-2017
10:00 - 14:00
16:00 - 20:30
Segunda parada:
Koldo Mitxelena Liburutegia
23-10-2017 / 01-11-2017
8:30 - 20:30
Tercera parada:
Museo San Telmo
01-11-2017 / 15-11-2017
10:00 - 20:00
Cuarta parada:
15-11-2017 / 04-12-2017
Quinta parada:
Sede COAVN Gipuzkoa
04-12-2017 / 15-12-2017
9:00 - 14:00
Sexta parada:
Espacio Reflex
15-12-2017 / 31-12-2017
11:00 - 13:30
16:00 - 20:00

The Programme is being prepared