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Bienal Internacional de Arquitectura

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Josep María Montaner - Barcelona

Josep María Montaner (Barcelona, 1954) is an architect (1977) and doctor (1983) by the School of Architecture of Barcelona (ETSAB-UPC), where he works as a professor on the Theory of architecture. He is the author of over forty books, amongst them, Sistemas arquitectónicos contemporáneos (Contemporary architectural systems 2008) and Del diagrama a las experiencias, hacia una arquitectura de la acción (From diagram to experiences, towards an architecture of action, 2014). He has been awarded, amongst others, the National Urban Planning Prize for journalistic initiative 2005 of the Ministry of Housing. He collaborates with architecture and urban planning magazines and has taught courses and given conferences in European, American and Asian cities. He is currently the housing councillor for the City Council of Barcelona.

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