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Bienal Internacional de Arquitectura

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Soledad Gallego Díaz - Madrid

Soledad Gallego-Díaz, (Madrid, 1951). She studied journalism at the Official school of Madrid. At the age of 19, she started working for the Pyresa agency (Prensa del Movimiento). After a dismissal, she worked for Cuadernos para el Diálogo (Booklets for Dialogue), an anti-Franco magazine and worked there till its closure. She went to work for El País since its creation. She worked as a political and parliamentary writer during the transition and was a correspondent in Brussels, London, Paris, New York and Buenos Aires at different stages, which means she has spent a lot of time outside Spain. She was appointed deputy director of El País, and held that position for over a decade with Juan Luis Cebrián, Joaquín Estefania and Jesús Ceberio. She also managed to have time to be Press Ombudswoman. She currently publishes a column every Sunday in El País and collaborates with daily commentaries on the Hoy por Hoy Program of Cadena Ser radio station. 

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